Zianlioba studio ئاپەکان

No2.Pictures Nonogram
Zianlioba studio
Returns! Nonogram,logicDo challenge pictures of 2000ea dressedpuzzle
Picross/Nonogram Picture No.3 2.4
Zianlioba studio
* Description Nonograms, also known as Hanjie, Picross orGriddlers, are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid mustbe colored or left blank according to numbers at the side of thegrid to reveal a hidden picture. In this puzzle type, the numbersare a form of discrete tomography that measures how many unbrokenlines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column.For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean there are sets of four,eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least oneblank square between successive groups. These puzzles are oftenblack and white, describing a binary image, but they can also becolored. If colored, the number clues are also colored to indicatethe color of the squares. Two differently colored numbers may ormay not have a space in between them. For example, a black fourfollowed by a red two could mean four black boxes, some emptyspaces, and two red boxes, or it could simply mean four black boxesfollowed immediately by two red ones. * Features .Concise,easy-to-use interface .Auto Save function .Auto Fill function (AutoFill) .Hinting for. Beginners .World record management by stage.Using high readability font. .Vomit collectible for High Quality.The stages are constantly updated staging
NonogramPicture No.4
Zianlioba studio
No4. Nonogram was recommended by App-liv 25x25 type and 4000 stagesupports
Nonogram(Logic Puzzle) No.5 1.7
Zianlioba studio
Return! Pictures Nonogram(Logic puzzle) with 25x25 type and 5000stage supports
No.6 Pictures Nonogram/picross 1.6
Zianlioba studio
* ExplanationNo.6 Nonogram (Square rectangle, Picross, Logic puzzle) is.It offers a powerful stage and interface, and you can enjoy it frombeginner to expert.Nonogram (picross, logic puzzle) is a game that has been steadilyloved by users as a synonym of brain game around the world since itwas developed in Japan.I am confident that it will be a good choice for those who likesquare nemo logic.Note: This is a recommended game from the appliv app reviewsite.* CharacteristicSupports .25x25 sizeSimple and convenient interfaceAuto Save functionAuto Fill function (Auto Fill)Hint features for beginnersProvides worldwide user log record by stageUse more readable fontsCollection value using high quality pictures
No.6 Pictures Nonogram
Zianlioba studio
Return! No.6 Nonogram (logic puzzle)Provides 4,000 stages
No.7 Pictures Nonogram 1.5
Zianlioba studio
Return! No.7 Nonogram ( logic puzzle)Provides 5,000 stages
No.12 Pictures Nonogram
Zianlioba studio
Return! No.12 Nonogram (logic puzzle)Provides 5,000 stages